Text Box: The books of Russell H. Greenan

The details “grisly”, the people “lunatic”, the results, “magnetic”.

Detail from cover of Sombres Crapules (Can of Worms)

French edition ©1988

Illustration by Henri Galeron

Selected links: News, Booksellers and Artists


2014 re-issues are now available.


























The full range of recent novels available from Blurb in print and e-publication including the prequel to DREAD OF NIGHT:







Memorabilia is a richly detailed description of the hustlers, hawkers and heroes of Yankee Stadium and the Polo Grounds recalled from the author’s childhood by the sale of an autograph.


Published in 2010 and also available from blurb.com.


The latest edition of THE BRIC A BRAC MAN features the stunning woodcuts of Sarah d'Haeyer and is published by L’Oeil d’Or and available from Fontaine O Livres.

Another german-language edition of In Boston? was published by  Diogenes in Switzerland in February 2010.  An Italian version also appeared in 2009 published by Baldini Castoldi Dalai editore.

This German language edition originally published by SchirmerGraf as a hardback and paperback under the title In Boston? is a fresh translation by Pociao who has previously translated authors such as William S. Burroughs and Tom Robbins. Published in August 2007, this and other editions of Greenan’s novels in German can be purchased through Amazon.de 

For all books including first editions try:




Barnes and Noble


Ideon cz (if you live in the Czech Republic)

For books translated into French try the publishers Rivages and Gallimard who continue to sell editions from the 1970s.

For first editions and the beautifully produced Crapule! Production editions try:




Le Livre de Poche


Featured artists in the Books Gallery include:

Stephen Hall    



Henri Galeron         


PLEASE NOTE: RussellHGreenan.info is not necessarily affiliated with sites which may be linked to this site and is not responsible for their content. Linked sites are for your convenience only and you access them at your own risk.



The books of Russell H. Greenan are widely available from online booksellers. The links below represent just a few of the sources.

Good luck!